Benefits of Myers Cocktail infusion

Your doctor’s favorite cocktail, although not quite served in a martini glass. This therapy is an IV mixture containing vitamin C, vitamin B-complex, vitamin B12 and magnesium, and sometimes other trace minerals and other nutrients. Dr. John Myers was a physician who practiced micronutrient therapy during the 1950’s. After his death, Dr. Alan Gaby continued in the practice administering over 15,000 cocktails to help treat ailments from chronic fatigue to allergies to cardiovascular disease and more.1

“Take your vitamins,” is the lullaby sung by mothers since childhood. What wisdom they have!

Now, what exactly do these vitamins help with? Vitamin C, to start with, is an antioxidant and can have antibacterial and antiviral effects on the body and studies are showing it may even act as an immunomodulator that reduces anaphylactic reactions.2 The B vitamins help to maintain healthy organs, speed up metabolism and detoxification, and are major contributor in the nervous, immune, digestive and endocrine systems.3 Magnesium fosters relaxation of both vascular and bronchial smooth muscle and it also contribute to mitochondrial energy production.4   Finally, trace mineral such as calcium, potassium underlie almost every metabolic process in the body.  We can easily personalize your Vitamin cocktail as well with ingredients like NAD+, glutathione, fat soluble B vitamins (not typically included in the B complex) and much more.

With regular, consistent infusion schedules, Dr. Myers was able to treat patients who suffered chronic fatigue, acute infections and fibromyalgia. He had improved the conditions of several angina and heart failure patients. It’s also been shown to help allergic reactions such as seasonal allergies, hives, migraines and asthma attacks. The Meyers cocktail has even been useful during narcotic and alcohol withdrawal as well as promoting athletic improvement.4   

Mom was probably thinking of regular, old pills when she gave her advice. What would make IV infusions a better choice? With an IV, the vitamins bypass the digestive system, allowing the infusion to be absorbed in higher percentages and more quickly. This equips the body with higher concentrations which nurtures more effective outcomes.4 Benefits can begin immediately and can last up to several days or sometimes weeks.1

The Meyers cocktail has been making a difference in patient’s health since the 1950’s.Today, we even see celebrities and athletes flaunting their IV treatments after a good party,  before a match or just for health and wellness reasons in general; and it has shown to help a wide variety of patients with their ailments, chronic and acute. This cocktail can be a very beneficial compliment to your lifestyle and treatment plan. Cheers!


  1. Dr. Alan Gaby, Concord, N.H. “Don’t underestimate the Myers cocktail” FEB 23, 2018. Available:
  2. Peng Sun, Defa Lia, Bing Dong, Shiyan Qiao, Xi Ma, Xin Chen, “ Vitamin C: An immunomodulator that attenuates anaphylactic reactions to soybean glycinin hypersensitivity in a swine model”, Food Chemistry, Volume 113, Issue 4, 15 April 2009, Pages 914-918                                Available:
  3. Robert Thompson, MD, Kathleen Barnes, 2013, The Calcium Lie II, Take Charge Books
  4. Alan R. Gaby, MD., “Intravenous Nutrient Therapy: the “Myers’ Cocktail”, Alternative Medicine Review Volume 7, Number 5, 2002. Available:
  5. J Altern Complement Med, “Intravenous Micronutrient Therapy (Myers’ Cocktail) for Fibromyalgia: A Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study, March 2009. Available:
  6. IV Health Center, “What Do Celebrities Know About IV Therapy?”, 2017. Available:
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