Integrative Medicine, Regenerative Medicine and Holistic Primary Care
A Healing Partnership between you and your physician as you work together through multiple healing modalities to achieve an optimal state of health.
Treatment Plans for Optimum Health and Wellness
• Comprehensive Chronic Disease Management & Wellness Optimization
• Anti-Aging
• Regenerative Medicine
• Detoxification
• Chelation Therapy
• Hormone Balancing Therapy
• Low Dose Immunotherapy
• Field Control Therapy
• Ozone Therapy
• Stem Cell Therapy
• Laser Therapy
• IV Nutritional Therapy
• Medical Marijuana Certification
• Ketamine
• Mens Health
My previous Doctor retired and before doing so, he took years to find a Doctor he trusted enough to take over his practice. He chose Dr Christopher Lawinsky. I have been seeing Dr Lawinsky now for ten years, and I am 100% pleased. Dr. Lawinsky spends quality time with me and makes sure my questions are addressed. He is careful with lab work and interpreting the results. He offers alternative methods of care that are not available through the normal medical channels, however, he understands the normal medical channels. I find Dr Lawinsky to be unique, however, because he clearly spends significant time studying and staying current with alternative methods that offer healing. In order to offer these alternative methods, and spend quality ttime listening and searching for the true causes of imbalance in each patient, Dr. Lawinsky foregoes the monetary rewards he could get with a busy, hectic practice pushing pharmaceuticals. Dr Lawinsky is a living human treasure in our community. I call him the "Best Doctor Ever".
Jacqueline van Loon, PsyD
In a word, Dr. Lawinski is - Brilliant. Most impressive physician I have ever visited. the depth and breadth of his knowledge is amazing. No other doctor was able to diagnose and correct my condition until I was examined and treated by Dr. Lawinski. I highly recommend him and have already made referrals of familiy & friends to his practice.
Juergen C.
Spent quite a bit of time with me, was understanding, knows his health both AMA and Alternative Medicines. Was great getting me the scans, blood work, etc. We now (as a health partnership with his patients) have a working plan. Finally a physician that is outstanding in his field....Finally.....
Glenda W.
best dr. ive ever been to
Marianne S.
He listened, understood, and treated my condition in a direct clear, concise, straightforward manner.
Caring Intelligent doctor! If doesn’t know something will research it. Helped me when no one else would! Saved my Life! Grateful for his care and guidance in the whole body and soul.
Barbara D.
I am thankful and appreciative for such professional and insightful Medical help. Dr. Lawinski is a learned and intuitive healer who has been exceptional in my healing. I am most grateful for his kind understanding of my needs resulting from my unfortunate car accident.
Cheryl O.
19 years of chronic inflammatory bowel disease, 17 years of mysterious joint inflammation, Dozens of doctors (including top notch university hospital specialists in NJ)- the results: I got worse every year. Through most of 2021 I needed help dressing, getting on & off the toilet, showering because both knees, ankles, and feet were so swollen I literally couldn't wear my normal clothes & shoes. I'm a healthy weight and 35 y/o. There was no reason I should have been that sick. I happen to meet Dr. Lawinski when getting my 329 card as marijuana was the only thing that helped my stomach concerns even though I don't like being high. I was sure this doctor couldn't help me but when he said he might be able to help I made an appointment for my chronic health issues. Three months after starting work with Dr. Lawinski I have zero joint pain, no diarrhea. I can do all the normal things like play on the playground with my kids, go on a walk, take care of myself & my house. I'm forever grateful.
Christina C.
helpful and new insights
Beth D.
I was able to do my assessment at my convenience. Doc took his time and was able to answer all of my concerns and he also gave my a lot of information and education. I would recommend Doc to anyone with pain issues to at least come to the clinic and see what they have to offer!
routine visit.
Richard S.
Dr. Lawinski is possibly the best listener of all MD’s I’ve encountered, which goes a long way for me when establishing trust with someone who will help me make important decisions about my health. I have worked with Dr. Lawinski several times over the past seven years and appreciate his focus on dietary health, supplements, and alternative healing modalities. I highly recommend his services to anyone who is looking for an alternative to the mainstream medical model. He is a respectful and charismatic MD.
A. N.
Super nice, knowledgeable and compassionate. Dr. Chris has helped several of my friends. See if he can help you too.
Brent Norris
Dr. Lawinski’s treatment protocol for my mercury amalgam poisoning is effectively helping me to get better and regain my good health. I am very grateful to him and feel blessed to have found him. He saved my life! A dentist caused my mercury amalgam poisoning, and it suddenly made me very sick and be disabled to work. I saw countless doctors before I found Dr. Lawinski but they were not able to help me. It is Dr. Lawinski who knows the effective treatment protocol. Dr. Lawinski’s vast knowledge enables him to treat illnesses effectively. He is both a conventional and natural medicine doctor. Best of both worlds! He understands that each patient is unique and applies his vast knowledge of treatment effectively. He is brilliant, intelligent, outstanding, humble and kind. He sincerely cares to make his patients get better. I trust and highly recommend him. He is a blessing and the best doctor! Big mahalo, Dr. Lawinski!
Gina A.
had a thorough interview as well as a physical exam of my injured limbs.
D. D.
When no one else could diagnose extreme heavy metal toxicity over a span of 15 years, the good folks at Vitality Medicine caught it and the peripheral issues. They had the tools and medicine to diagnose and treat it! And in Pahoa! So lucky I didn't have to travel for world class service. Mahalo VM!
Sam C.
I have suffered from allergies since birth and never thought that I would ever find relief. With Dr. Lawinskis protocol I am nearly allergy free- leaving me with overall better health and increase in energy.
J. H.
I highly recommend Dr. Christopher Lawinski. He is a highly educated MD who is so passionate about people’s wellbeing that he never stops exploring available treatment methods and technologies that can offer patients the best possible opportunity for greater overall health. He is a great doctor and a truly kind person. My family and I recommend him highly!
S. F.
Wonderful experience.
B. A.
Dr Lawinski spent a lot of time with me during my initial visit. I am well, but we spent a great deal of time discussing ways to keep me that way. He really seemed to care about my wellness. That's a real pleasure in this day of insurance quotas and assembly line doctor visits.
Scott S.
Doc went into careful detail about the full spectrum symptoms of my internal body - He gave me explanations I was looking for and is using blood tests to check for things that I have wrongly told by traditional doctors! Amazing experience!
Dyna E.
I have being helped by Dr. Chris for several years now with detoxing my entire body and all systems within the body. My results thus far have been completely unbelievable. He is an amazing physician and healing doctor vs a doctor who just hands out prescriptions. He has completely changed my life, my health, my mental and emotional well being all by his remarkable homeopathic protocols for detox and healing. Im so very Thankful for Doctor Christopher Lawinski, MY Primary Care Physician.
Cynthia M.
Kimo L.
Most doctors dont actually listen to their patients but this one does very much so. if a doctor doesnt know whats wrong with a patient they often say "its all in their head" but this doctor will continue to figure things out because he knows "something" is wrong and will eventually get to the root cause rather than trying to slap a band-aid on the symptoms only. if a patient is willing and able to do their own research and study then he is more than happy to listen to the results of that study and use that in further treatment options and testing. he often will do blood tests that most doctors dont think of doing or perhaps just dont even know about in some cases. he knows mainstream medicine yet is open minded enough to consider alternatives especially when mainstream options are failing which often happens with complex or little-understood health issues. he has lots of devices and equipment that i usually see only at large clinics. cant do much bettet than this doctor!
Reuben T.
Really appreciated the personable atmosphere, and staff at this office! They were lovely and very efficient getting us into our appointments ahead of schedule. Provided great information and education on medicinal cannabis. Mahalo Dr. Lawinski !
Nena J.
Dr. Chris is both an excellent doctor and a extremely caring person. He gives his patients as much of his time as they need, speaks to them in easily understood language, and takes their own thoughts on their health seriously. At the same time he’s professional and efficient- efficiency being a particularly admirable trait in someone who charges by the minute. I like Dr. Chris, but, more importantly, I trust him.
Gwen G.
Doc was knowledgeable and patient with his explanations. I look forward to talking to him on my next visit. I learned a lot talking to him!!!
Ted S.
I was in need of a primary care doctor with a natural touch with Dr. Lawinski I got that. Very easy to work with to find the root solutions. Available and willing to help the healing process begin in a healthy way.
very useful information, friendly demeanor, great experience
M. Q.
Dr Lawinski explained how the cannabis oils work and showed me what oils would be most likely to help me. He was very helpful
Leilani L.
They were able to fit me in with short notice and provided excellent information and helpful suggestions for possible treatments.
L. O.
Why not patronize a physician who has followed this commandment? Dr. Christopher Lawinski’s Epigenetic Test (Etc.) has scientifically proven him to be 13.15 years younger physically than he is biologically. Find out how he did it and also how you could do it too?
D.W. (Verified Patient)
Dr. Lawinski is extremely knowledgeable and has a great protocol of executing the top issues with digestible explanations and solutions. He is able to pin-point root issues and problem-solve in a holistic way. He is up to date on research and holistic medication rather than going the Big Pharma route. I am grateful for his healing.
C. M.
Aloha, I'm thrilled with the stem cell transplant Dr. Chris gave me in May 2017. I am 80% fine now. I am very happy I did not get the artificial knee. I do limit myself with activities to stay at 0 to 1 on the pain scale with no meds needed. I just do less. Doctor reccomended Field Control Therapy 6 months after the stem cells and I had another burst of wellness! I've been doing it for a couple years now or so. You can google it, and I can't begin to say enough good things about it. We are so lucky to have a doctor of this caliber on our country island!
Venutia Barlow
When my Primary physician retired I began seeing Dr Lawinski. He is kind and patient with his clients. Dr Lawinski obviously has considerable skills and effective therapeutics. He is genuinely compassionate about his patients well being.
K. G.
The best on the Big Island. I have been seeing Doc for eight years and I highly recommend him!
Steven K.
I initially visited the doctors office for chelation detox therapy. At that time, Dr. Lawinski also looked at the results of my blood tests. One test was alarming, as I had a higher than normal CEA level of a blood test. High CEA (11.7 and average range is 0 - 3.8) This could be indicative of cancer. He gave me advice and literature on fasting and since then, I decided to seriously start eating better, and do daily intermittant fasting, (Sometimes I break my fasting schedule, but the continue the daily 18 hour fast the next day. To make a long story short, yesterday I learned the results of recent blood tests from my annual check-up, and all tests are now normal, including the CEA test! This is just 5 month later! I think that my body was able to cure itself, thanks to self-discipline to maintain intermittent fasting, and mostly to the good advice from Dr. Lawinski.
Donna G.
Dr. Chris is a very fine medical doctor who uses expert skills regarding my historical and age and surrounding history with his fine medical knowledge.
Susanne L. S. J.
Dr. Lawinski is excellent with listening to understand what your concerns are and how to address them. He is extremely good at being able to help his patients feel their absolute best. I would highly recommend Dr. Lawinski!
J. O.
Doris C.
There are many reasons why I am glad Dr. Chris is, and has been, my primary care physician for about the past 7 years. Lucky for me, he is a 'patient' doctor; in both senses of the word. Here in Hawaii, I learned that when they politely say, "you don't have to make another appointment now," they mean "not ever". If Dr. Chris had done that, I would likely not be here now, at age 87, and my most recent CA 27-29 marker 2 clicks below the reference range of 40, down from a high of 60 a few years ago.
Joan G.
routine visit.
Richard S.
Bob K.
Really appreciated the personable atmosphere, and staff at this office! They were lovely and very efficient getting us into our appointments ahead of schedule. Provided great information and education on medicinal cannabis. Mahalo Dr. Lawinski !
Nena J.